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Bakersfield to Death Valley

Posted by on February 22, 2013

We met up with Gus and Stephanie about 1 hour from Sacramento and they followed the Outlaw to Bakersfield. We arrived late, about 1:30AM and got the coach set up for the night but stayed up until 3AM chatting which made for a late start today.  After some light breakfast we were ready to head out… actually the girls took the Outlaw while Gus and I did a quick trip to Costco for a few last-minute items. Back on the road and into the high desert Gus found a bad ass shortcut to catch up with the ladies however someone had gone and put up a barbed wire fence in the desert so we had to turn around and take some traditional asphalt dammit.

Our detour:


We caught up with the girls in Red Rock Canyon State Park just off Highway 14 and had a nice lunch compliments of Stephanie:

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This was a buffet!

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Here is some views of the parking area, just beautiful:

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Back on the road we had to make a stop for gas and attempt to fit the monster motorhome somewhere close to the gas pump without taking out the service station awning.



Next stop was for some Jerky at a place that I can only assume Gus either runs remotely or once owned:



And here he is, Mr. Jerky himself…



The ladies took some time to drive heavy equipment around the area:

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Gus and I pose with my wife:


Time to ramble on down the road:



Gus knew of an overlook so we all jumped in his FJ and took a ride to spot:


Me playing with my new GoPro:


Jessica and me:


One half of the Gus and Stephanie show:




Back on the road and headed to Furnace Creek (another one of Gus’s advertisement worthy photos) :




Photo Footnote: All photos with the GM/Photo watermark are copyright protected and property of Gus Menendez – All rights reserved.

All photos without watermark are property of Scott and Jessica Faulk and are copyright protected.

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