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Arkansas To Texas Panhandle

Posted by on November 7, 2012

We had driven many hours and didn’t arrive at our Arkansas destination of Petit Jean State Park (pronounced “petty jean”) until almost 2AM so we slept in a bit this morning. Due to our late arrival we had no idea what our campsite or the views outside were like but peering out the windows at 9AM we were graced with panoramic views of a beautiful lake and a bounty of trees in the midst of fall colors.

This should be an ad for the “RV Lifestyle” 🙂

We took showers, had breakfast and rolled the motorcycle out of the garage. We made a stop at the ranger station for info on places to see then we were off to tour the area.  Due to the drought the famous Petit Jean Falls were not running but a trip back in the spring or summer would behold some very nice hiking and photos. Our next stop was the lodge built in 1930s that had been closed for several years to get a $5M renovation. The 180-degree views down the valley were excellent and although we didn’t try the restaurant we were told the food is very good.

View of the valley:

Jess is modeling with her dirt bike…

Sadly we knew we had a long day ahead to roll through Oklahoma and reach our campground in Texas so the bike was put to bed and we departed.

Here are some views from the road:

Arkansas River:

Hauling Chickens:

Jessica driving the beast:

We made several stops for supplies and gas but nothing slowed us down like the pizza at Mazzio’s in Okemah, OK. After waiting almost 30 minutes Jessica went to ask where our pizza was and the girl had forgotten to put in the order.  They gave us dinner for free but we would have rather had the time instead of the $10. It ended up being a late night again with our arrival at Palo Duro Canyon State Park at 1:00AM.  The campground was closed for the night but they had some nifty night arrival parking in a little dirt loop which made for a free night of boondock camping.  I guess the good news is free dinner and lodging which was worth a bunch of gas. Time for some rest and then a tour of Palo Duro Canyon in the morning.


One Response to Arkansas To Texas Panhandle

  1. Jessaca

    Awe look at Jess go. She looks like a natural driving that massive thing. Is there anything she can’t do 🙂

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