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We are so glad to have you stop by for a visit and follow what journey life is currently taking us on.

A little about us… We met in April of 2006 at a pool party and after waiting a few months we had our first date on July 4th weekend.  We haven’t been apart much since that first date and undeniably we are living a life immersed in adventure and happiness.  Our passion for travel, motorcycles, scuba diving, photography, food and adrenaline keeps us very busy.

This is the place to keep track of what we are up to, where we have been and what direction we are headed.

Feel free to share a comment with us about your adventures and hopefully our paths will cross along the way.


“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. … Explore. Dream. Discover!”  -Mark Twain