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4th of July Camping – Graeagle/Clio

Posted by on July 4, 2017

It seems to be an annual tradition that we have 4th of July at the Rivers Edge RV Park.  This is our “go-to” place for some great camping.  Ted joined us this trip.

Graeagle puts on a great fireworks show.

Graeagle also puts on a parade which was a lot of fun.  Bob and Pat (whom we have friended at the park) really wanted us to come watch the parade and live music with them.


Bob and Pat have become some great friends of ours.  That evening, we were able to get tickets to see an old country star, Lacy J Dalton.  That brought back a lot of old memories of me singing her songs.  Love her now as much as I loved her then.

It isn’t camping without a little bit of card playing!

And some homemade lunch… paninis and fruit salad.  Yum

And our beautiful babies enjoying their naps

That evening, Bob and Pat had us over for Happy Hour.  They love to entertain and we love to have them entertain us.  They are known as the Bickersons.  They have been married for over 50 years and are so adorable.