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Clio’s Rivers Edge Camping with Jill and Justina

Posted by on August 14, 2016

We went to our favorite campground in Clio’s (Graeagle).  Jill and Justina were able to pay a visit and stay with us and explore some of the country.

Cayman and Chloe in their usual comfy spots!

We went for a little walk to the river…

Lap dog

A little trip and hike to Sardine Lake with Jill and Justina!  

Jill loves the water… even if it is cold!

We took a little hike to a small waterfall and had a little buffet next to the water

Justina exploring!


Jilly Bean playing in the water!

Scott and I took a dirt bike ride up in the mountains and came across this railroad track that looked like would be some great photography.