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Christmas 2014

Posted by on December 28, 2014

We planned Christmas 2014 with my dad, Tracy and the O’Bear family in Cottonwood.  The biggest surprise of the weekend was that my nephew Paytton was able to come to California on leave from the Army for the Holidays.  This was a huge surprise and an awesome Christmas present!

We arrived Friday evening at about 10:30pm to the whole family playing UNO.  This went into the early hours of the next day. The rest of the weekend was spent playing games, eating, opening gifts and reminiscing.  We had some great times playing games like UNO, Party Farkle, JackAss, Apples to Apples and once the little one went to bed, we broke out Cards Against Humanity.  Lots of giggles and laughs through the night.

Below are photos taken throughout the weekend!

The dogs are always comfy in the motorhome!

Cayman showing he is in charge of the property

The twins, Keytton and Paytton

O’Bear Family Photo

Family Time





Front porch sittin’ watching the fam play frisbee

Cayman getting some air

Keytton and I

Dinner is served

She isn’t spoiled or anything

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from our Family to yours!